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THIS DATASET IS NOT YET AVAILABLE FOR SHARING. Dataset of 406 women involved in an observational study to see if a breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of women recently diagnosed with breast cancer impacts on their treatment planning and cancer outcomes. The primary outcome is the clinical utility of MRI in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer on treatment outcomes measured by the proportion of patients whose suggested treatment changes from before they have MRI to after they have MRI as assessed from patient medical records. PROMS explore the participant experience of undergoing MRI, collected at baseline (pre-MRI), post-surgery and at 12 months after registration. Data collected includes preference for surgery type, Ontario Decisional Conflic Scale, EQ-5D-5L, measure of impact of MRI on patient confidence, Decision Regret Scale. Cancer Australia demographic data has been collected including: Year of birth, Postcode of usual residence, Indigenous Status, CALD status (Country of Birth, Main language other than English used as the principle means of communication).Notes
HeSANDA 1.0.0Issued: 2023
Available: 2025
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Breast Cancer Trials (BCT)
- DOI : 10.58080/5YYK-V485