
Epithelial metabolism as a mediator of host-microbiome interactions in inflammatory bowel disease [ 2017 - 2019 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Simon Keely (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Martin Veysey A/Pr Susan Hua Dr Paraic O Cuiv Prof Mark Morrison

Brief description This project examines how the changes in the intestinal environment during inflammation influences the behaviour of bacteria within the micobiome and whether those changes can be counteracted to sustain a healthy microbiome, even during episodes of disease. This work uses cell and animal models to examine how inflammation changes the intestinal nutrients that the microbiome requires to maintain its community and whether supplementing the microbiome with these nutrients can prevent disease.

Funding Amount $AUD 853,184.65

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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