
Epidemiology Of Human Papillomavirus (Hpv), Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation In Relation To Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer [ 2003 - 2004 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Adele Green (Principal investigator)

Brief description Queensland epidemiologist, Professor Adele Green is the winner of an Australian-European Union medical research grant that she will use to investigate prevention of skin cancer. The prestigious NHMRC grant is intended to support Australian researchers involved in European collaboration, which will benefit the Australian community. Professor Green and her research group will use the grant to participate in a large consortium led by Dr Jan Nico Bouwes Bavinck from Leiden in the Netherlands, with teams of researchers based in Germany, England, Italy and France. The work of the consortium will focus on finding out whether Human Papilloma Virus plays a role in causing skin cancer. Professor Green and her team are working to discover the relationship between Human Papilloma Virus, which is a common virus of the skin and the commonest types of skin cancer. If the papilloma virus is found to cause skin cancer, this will open up new avenues for prevention. Although Australia is a world hot-spot for skin cancer, the disease is of concern to Europeans because it is the most common form of cancer in white-skinned people.

Funding Amount $AUD 300,000.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Aust/EU Collaborative Research Grant

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