
Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscope and Nano-Manipulation Facility [ 2002-01-01 - 2003-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Chee Too (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Gary Dennis (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Loo-Teck Ng (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Richard John (Chief Investigator) ,  Geoffrey Spinks (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscope and Nano-Manipulation Facility. This new Facility will add the nano-dimension to the excellent electrochemical mapping facility established at the University of Wollongong over the past 2 years. The instrument we propose to install will allow us to probe electrochemical events and, in particular, the influence of these events on the structure of customised materials at the nano level. This new capability will impact on our research into the development of efficient artificial muscles, biosensors, corrosion protection coatings, polymeric photovoltaics and new surfaces for mammalian cell culturing.

Funding Amount $210,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities

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