Research Grant
[Cite as]Researchers: A/Pr Sunil Bhar (Principal investigator) , Dr Stephen Quinn , Dr Tanya Davison , Prof Julie Ratcliffe , Prof Penelope Schofield
Brief description Elders living in residential facilities suffer significant levels of depression or anxiety. This study examines an innovative program to improve mental health of residents living in such facilities. The program involves counselling, staff training and family support. The study uses a cluster randomised controlled trial of facilities to evaluate the impact of ELATE: Elders at Ease Program” on residents’ psychological wellbeing, staff knowledge, family carer stress and, health care costs.
Funding Amount $985,751.00
Funding Scheme Targeted Calls for Research
Notes Depression, anxiety and suicide among elderly Australians
- PURL :
- nhmrc : GNT1150902