
Effects of climate change on temperate benthic assemblages on the continental shelf in eastern Australia [ 2012-01-12 - 2016-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Barrett, Neville (Chief Investigator) ,  Barrett, Neville (Chief Investigator) ,  Barrett, Neville (Chief Investigator) ,  Barrett, Neville, Dr (Chief Investigator) ,  Barrett, Neville, Dr (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Effects of climate change on temperate benthic assemblages on the continental shelf in eastern Australia. Benthic habitats on the continental shelf in southeast Australia support some of Australia's most productive fisheries and manifest high levels of biodiversity and endemism. However, the region is experiencing rates of ocean warming 3.8 times the global average and nutrient depletion because of increased influence of the East Australian Current. This work will, for the first time, provide a clear indication of the relationship between the physical environment on the shelf and the distribution of benthic assemblages, predict future changes in temperature and nutrients in the area, and predict the effects of these changes on the associated benthic biota. These predictions are critical to an informed adaptation response to climate change.

Funding Amount $556,800

Funding Scheme Super Science Fellowships

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