
Effect of an interactive therapeutic robotic animal on engagement, mood states, agitation and antipsychotic drug use in people with dementia: A cluster randomized controlled trial [ 2014 - 2017 ]

Also known as: Effect of an interactive therapeutic robotic animal on engagement, mood states, agitation and antispychotic drug use

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Wendy Moyle (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Brian Draper Prof David Shum Prof Elizabeth Beattie Prof Lukman Thalib

Brief description This study aims to reduce the impact of dementia symptoms and burden on the person with dementia, family and care staff, as well as potentially reducing pharmaceutical usage through an engaging activity using a robotic animal called PARO.

Funding Amount $AUD 1,144,640.98

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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