
Early diagnosis and early intervention for infants with cerebral palsy: implementation of international evidence-based guidelines into practice [ 2018 - ]

Also known as: 5020794

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Alicia Spittle (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Catherine Morgan Dr Kerstin Pannek Dr Koa Whittingham Prof Iona Novak
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Brief description Each year, 600 Australians are born with cerebral palsy. Despite most cases of cerebral palsy resulting from an injury to the developing brain prior to or around the time of birth, only 26% of infants get an early diagnosis before 6 months, delaying treatment and prevention of secondary complication. Early diagnosis of cerebral palsy enables earlier intervention and prevention of complications. This partnership grant ultimate goal is to reduce the age of cerebral palsy diagnosis in Australia.

Funding Amount $1,196,362.00

Funding Scheme Partnerships

Notes Partnership Project for Better Health

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