
Dr Duncan Ackerley

ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science
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Dr Duncan Ackerley is a research fellow with the ARC Centre of excellence for Climate System Science (ARCCSS). He is based at Monash University. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Meteorology from the University of Reading in 2003. He obtained his Ph.D. in the same institution in 2007. His PhD was entitled, “Uncertainties in the climate response to sulphate aerosol and CO2 forcing”. During the Ph.D. he worked with to produce a perturbed physics ensemble of general circulation model simulations that were downloaded and run by members of the public. After the Ph.D. he continued to work at the University of Reading on the representation of dust aerosol in the Met Office Unified Model in collaboration with the Dispersion Group at the Met Office. In October 2008 he left the United Kingdom to take up a role as Climate Scientist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in Wellington, New Zealand. During that time he ran regional climate model simulations of past, present and future New Zealand climate. In June 2011 he moved to Australia and took up a position at Monash University in Melbourne to look at the processes that lead to rainfall over the north-west of the continent and he has remained at Monash since.

Duncan is currently working on developing idealised experiments with ACCESS that use prescribed land temperatures and soil moisture.




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