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I am a Senior Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. My research focuses on three main areas: - medicines policies in Australia and the Western Pacific Region: regulatory approval, funding, pricing, managed entry agreements, affordability, usage, and pharmaceutical promotion; - quality use of medicines in people with comorbidities (elderly people, people living with cancer, residents of nursing homes). - systematic reviews of trial and observational evidence on health outcomes of medicines. In the recent years, I have collaborated with numerous organisations including the Australian Government’s Department of Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Post-Market Reviews), the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region (WPRO) Office, and Health Action International. I am strongly involved in the activities of consumer organisations in particular Cancer Voices SA with the development of a ‘patients as teachers’ academic program and several collaborative research projects.
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- Scopus : www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602702228
- ORCID : 0000-0003-1091-6453