
Domestic Water End Use Study - High Resolution Water Measurement [ 2010-01-01T00:09:00Z ]

Provided by   Griffith University

Research Project

Researchers: Dr Cara Beal Professor Rodney Stewart (Managed by)

Brief description This project focuses on the capture of high resolution data from a sensor network comprised of 320 remote nodes (data loggers) situated between the Sunshine and Gold Coasts in the South East Queensland Corridor. The loggers are configured to batch scheduled readings in a weekly upload via email. This project replaced standard council water meters with "Smart Meters" that can record very small volumes of water at 5 second intervals. This data will be stored in state-of-the-art data loggers and sent, via email, to a remote computer for analysis. End use data analysis will be conducted using a special programme that can identify water use patterns of specific end uses such as toilets, dishwashers and showers. The meters have the capacity to deliver high resolution end use data that will provide information to planners and water engineers to understand why, how and when water is being utilised. This will facilitate the proactive management of water resources.

Notes Project Status: Proceeding,

Data time period: 01 01 2010

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