
Does loss of melanocortin glucose sensing contribute to obesity induced diabetes? [ 2010 - 2012 ]

Also known as: Hypothalamic causes of diabetes

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Michael Cowley (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Pablo Enriori Prof Tony Tiganis

Brief description Diabetes is a failure to properly regulate blood glucose levels. Escalating rates of diabetes are a major health problem. Melanocortin neurons in the brain detect blood sugar levels and usually regulate glucose production and utilization, but in obese animals they do not. We have developed a possible therapeutic, which appears to reverse the glucose insensitivity, and rapidly reduces blood glucose in diabetic mice. This project will determine how melanocortins act to regulate glucose levels

Funding Amount $AUD 617,531.44

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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