
Does HIV function as a lipid-raft during infection? [ 2008 - 2010 ]

Also known as: Does virus function as membrane microdomain during infection?

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Johnson Mak (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Anthony Jaworowski Dr Candida Da Fonseca Pereira

Brief description The exterior surface of HIV has a layer of lipids (a type of fat), which represents approximately 1-3 of HIV by weight. This layer of lipids may serve as a mechanistic trigger, which enables viral components to be systemically released or dispatched from the main structure post-entry to establish successful infection. Completion of this project will define the role of lipids in this process. This new knowledge will be vital to identify new targets to deter the HIV infection process.

Funding Amount $AUD 607,289.35

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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