
Division Office Research IEE : University of South Australia Barbara Hardy Institute

University of South Australia
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University of South Australia Barbara Hardy Institute

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The Barbara Hardy Institute brings together world-leading researchers to work in multidisciplinary teams on real-world issues. Our researchers are scientists, engineers and social scientists, working together with a focus on the sustainability of our society. Formed in February 2011, the Institute, whose patron is the well known and widely respected Dr Barbara Hardy, champions her vision for the 'widespread adoption of sustainable principles and environmentally correct practices' by utilising multidisciplinary research approaches that challenge conventional thinking. The Institute ethos is to support its members in conducting relevant, globally significant, multidisciplinary research. We collaborate with partners internally, nationally and internationally, engaging stakeholders and building partnerships to attract investment and promote research. Currently, our team includes around 250 members, who share the same vision: doing great research into sustainability.

The Barbara Hardy Institute is no longer operating as of February 2021.

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