
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP240101109 [ 2024-01-01 - 2028-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: ANDREW ZALESKY (Chief Investigator) ,  Bei, Bei (Chief Investigator) ,  Julia Stone (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Shanthakumar Wilson Rajaratnam (Chief Investigator) ,  Vanessa Cropley (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description The impact of circadian and sleep factors on neurodevelopment. This project aims to longitudinally examine the contributions of multiple circadian and sleep factors on the development of the teen brain. Adolescence is associated with a change in the internal body clock, leading to later bed and wake times and loss of sleep. It is also a time when the teenage brain is rapidly maturing to support learning. Despite the known importance of sleep in adolescence we know little about how the circadian clock and sleep impacts the developing brain. Our project expects to advance understanding of the importance of sleep and circadian timing for healthy brain and cognitive development. This knowledge will inform policy and prevention/intervention programs to benefit individuals, parents and the community.

Funding Amount $596,724

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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