Research Grant
[Cite as]Researchers: Andrew Page (Chief Investigator) , David Lawrence (Chief Investigator) , Prof Stephen Houghton (Chief Investigator) , Pamela Qualter (Partner Investigator) , Simon Hunter (Partner Investigator)
Brief description "I think; therefore I am": Loneliness and neurodevelopmental disorders. This project aims to develop a 3-D animated program for adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) that alters the automatic biases arising from their everyday social communication difficulties (including via social media), which result in negative thought patterns and loneliness. Negative thought patterns, which are arguably the hallmarks of, and causal in, the development of emotional dysfunction are amplified by loneliness, and adolescents with NDDs experience significantly greater levels of loneliness. Altering these negative thought patterns via an engaging 3-D animated program offers great potential to improve educational and social-emotional outcomes along with generating economic benefits nationally and internationally.
Funding Amount $205,833
Funding Scheme Discovery Projects
- PURL :
- ARC : DP210100071