
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP200101263 [ 2020-07-30 - 2023-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Associate Professor James McGree (Chief Investigator) ,  Associate Professor James McGree (Chief Investigator) ,  Jennifer Firn (Chief Investigator) ,  Elizabeth Borer (Partner Investigator) ,  Eric Seabloom (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Precision ecology: the modern era of designed experiments in plant ecology. This project aims to develop the field of precision ecology, forging a new era of designed experiments where sampling is informed by research questions and what is known about the ecological process being studied. Through the development of novel statistical methods, new experiments globally will be designed to answer important ecological questions including what influence abiotic and biotic factors have on plant communities over time and different spatial scales. Expected outcomes include new methods and tools that will modernise how future experiments will be conducted in plant ecology. This will provide significant transdisciplinary benefits including new statistical methods that target scientific discovery in ecological studies.

Funding Amount $360,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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