
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP190102142 [ 2019-06-30 - 2023-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Larissa Meinicke (Chief Investigator) ,  Emeritus Professor Ian Hayes (Chief Investigator) ,  Cliff Jones (Partner Investigator) ,  Dr Brijesh Dongol (Partner Investigator) ,  Peter Höfner (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Design and verification of correct, efficient and secure concurrent systems. This project aims to provide methods for the design and verification of correct, secure and efficient concurrent software that are scalable and mechanised. Computers with multiple processors are now the norm and are used in a wide range of safety, security and mission critical software applications such as transport, health and infrastructure. These multi-core architectures have the potential to lead to important efficiency gains, but can introduce complex and error-prone behaviours that cannot be managed using traditional software development approaches. This project will produce better, scalable and mechanised methods for the design and verification of such software which is expected to reduce the prevalence of failures in efficient, modern software.

Funding Amount $460,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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