
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP180102363 [ 2018-03-01 - 2021-12-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Fabio Cortesi (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof John Endler (Chief Investigator) ,  Professor Justin Marshall (Chief Investigator) ,  A/Prof Martin Stevens (Partner Investigator) ,  Karen Carleton (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Unravelling reef fish vision through gene-editing and behavioural ecology. This project aims to enhance understanding of visual neuroscience, genetic control of vision and environmental ecology on The Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Using the anemonefish as a model, together with new genetic, photographic and behavioural approaches, the project aims to reveal novel aspects of colour vision on the reef. Outcomes beyond multiple scientific disciplines include enhanced international collaboration and building capacity for improved reef guardianship. The benefits are scientific discovery in multiple areas, providing greater community understanding of complex science and a desire to preserve the GBR for future generations.

Funding Amount $550,496

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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