
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP170102072 [ 2017-01-01 - 2022-05-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Paul Shaw (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Paul Shaw (Chief Investigator) ,  Ian Gentle (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Paul Burn (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Nicholas Fitzgerald (Partner Investigator)
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Brief description Vapour phase detection of chemical warfare agents. This project aims to create luminescent plastic optoelectronic materials that can detect airborne chemical warfare agents, particularly nerve agents. Such agents are often odourless and invisible at lethal concentrations, so technology must detect and identify them before exposure. The intended outcomes are design rules for sensitive and selective materials that can be used in a handheld infield detector to sense chemical warfare agents based on the materials’ photophysical properties, and new analytical methods and sensing protocols. This research will be of interest to security agencies in Australia and internationally, and will better protect our military.

Funding Amount $668,500

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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