
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP170100425 [ 2017-01-01 - 2021-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Ali Nazari (Chief Investigator) ,  Jay Sanjayan (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Prinya Chindaprasirt (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Functionally graded modelling of geopolymer and Portland cement concretes. This project aims to investigate why geopolymer concretes crack less than the Portland cement concretes. Carbon emissions from Portland cement is second only to fossil fuels. Geopolymer may emit less carbon dioxide than Portland cement concrete because it bleeds less and has higher creep. The project will test this hypothesis on geopolymer and Portland cement concretes, and emulate its findings in all types of concretes. The project intends to create a specific market for geopolymer by developing a crack-free pavement and floors technology, while understanding cracking in concrete will reduce cracking issues.

Funding Amount $448,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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