Research Grant

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Researchers: King, Matt (Chief Investigator) ,  King, Matt (Chief Investigator) ,  King, Matt (Chief Investigator) ,  Matt King (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Dr Shin-Chan Han (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Earthquake biases in measurements of Antarctica's sea-level contribution. This project aims to accurately determine Antarctica’s contribution to present-day sea-level. Large technique-specific systematic errors make this uncertain and controversial with the sign of change not agreed. Three of four measurement techniques rely on knowing the solid earth's changing shape or gravity field. Studies have not considered post-seismic deformation, but GPS data show that Antarctica has deformed since the 1998 Magnitude-8.2 Antarctic Plate Earthquake. This project will develop a model of these earthquakes constrained by geodetic data and use the model to estimate Antarctica's contribution to sea-level change. This should enable more confident local, national and international planning. This will benefit society through reducing the sea-level projection uncertainty.

Funding Amount $439,500

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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