
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP160103596 [ 2016-03-01 - 2021-06-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Ullrich Ecker (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Gordon Brown (Partner Investigator) ,  Prof Stephan Lewandowsky (Partner Investigator)

Brief description The Psychology of Misinformation—Towards A Theory-driven Understanding. The project aims to develop a psychological theory of misinformation effects. Misinformation influences people’s memory, reasoning and decision-making even after corrections – it thus poses a significant challenge for science and society. Through the combination of systematic experimentation with theory-driven computational modelling, the project will strive to concurrently consider individual-level cognition and the impact of sociocultural context. It is anticipated that this novel integrative approach will substantially expand our understanding of misinformation effects, and that this theoretical progress will result in the formulation of specific communication strategies to reduce the impact of misinformation on society.

Funding Amount $434,200

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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