
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP160100364 [ 2016-04-06 - 2020-05-15 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Andrew Saniga (Chief Investigator) ,  AsPr Christine Garnaut (Chief Investigator) ,  Cameron Logan (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Susan Holden (Chief Investigator) ,  Hannah Lewi (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Campus: Building Modern Australian Universities. This project plans to examine the post-World War Two evolution of the Australian university campus. Modern campuses created opportunities for the realisation of innovative solutions in urban planning, architecture and landscape. The project plans to reveal the physical impacts of political, institutional, social and cultural demands through comparative thematic investigation, digital visualisation and detailed case studies. Foregrounding landscape and site, the project aims to establish new historical knowledge, identify campuses as catalysts for urban thinking, and demonstrate strategies for their conservation and adaptation to meet future needs in the tertiary sector.

Funding Amount $302,627

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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