
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP150102109 [ 2015-03-31 - 2017-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Jingling Xue (Chief Investigator)

Brief description Sparse Demand-Driven Analysis to Improve Software Reliability and Security. Current static analysis tools can eliminate many bugs missed by traditional testing but they are still imprecise or inefficient. This project aims to develop precise pointer analyses that enable -finding clients to detect bugs efficiently in large-scale programs in C/C++ and Java, where pointers are used pervasively. The novelty lies in performing these analyses sparsely (allowing data-flow information to move directly from variable definitions to their potential uses) based on Context-Free-Language-reachability (enabling client queries to be answered on-demand). The outcomes aim to significantly improve the reliability and security of industrial-sized software.

Funding Amount $266,300

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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