Research Grant
[Cite as]Researchers: Dr Bridget Green (Chief Investigator) , Dr Nicholas Murphy (Chief Investigator) , Jan Strugnell (Chief Investigator) , James Bell (Partner Investigator)
Brief description Lost at sea? Understanding adaptation and dispersal in spiny lobsters. Continual recruitment of young is fundamental to the replenishment of populations, especially when a stock is fished. Existing theory suggests that species with very long planktonic larval stages disperse widely, ensuring their genes are well mixed. However, recently identified genetic differences between populations of rock lobster challenge this paradigm and demonstrate that despite larvae mixing in the ocean for years, local recruitment and/or adaptation are at play. Recent developments in genomics and bioinformatics should allow this project to understand the ecological processes underpinning these genetic signatures and determine their evolutionary implications. Such findings could direct targeted rebuilding of depleted fisheries stocks.
Funding Amount $335,100
Funding Scheme Discovery Projects
- PURL :
- ARC : DP150101491