
Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP150101240 [ 2015-04-22 - 2019-03-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Annette Woods (Chief Investigator) ,  Lisa Kervin (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Barbara Comber (Chief Investigator)

Brief description Learning to write: A socio-material analysis of text production. Contemporary literacy classrooms are places of intense curriculum and technological change. This project will investigate how young children are learning to write as they participate in producing both print and digital texts with a range of tools and technologies. Innovative approaches to teaching writing in early childhood classrooms in four schools situated in low socio-economic communities across two states will be collaboratively designed with teachers. The documentation of these classroom design experiments aims to form the basis of innovative practice for other teachers. Employing a socio-material analysis aims to illuminate the affordances of new ways of understanding learning to write in action, in contemporary early childhood classrooms.

Funding Amount $315,100

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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