Research Grant

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Researchers: Coleman, Richard (Chief Investigator) ,  Coleman, Richard (Chief Investigator) ,  Coleman, Richard (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Christopher Watson (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr John Hunter (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Quantifying sea-level trends and extremes along Australia's coastal margin. Multi-decadal changes in sea-level, and sea-level extremes, cannot be well quantified along most global coastlines, including Australia's, because the high spatial variability of sea-level is under-sampled by the sparse set of long, high quality tide gauge records. Satellite altimetry provides an alternative data source with greater spatial sampling, yet experiences contamination from land within tens of kilometres from the coast and also suffers from regionally correlated biases. This project proposes to address these problems through re-tracking radar altimetry waveforms to derive new data in the coastal margin, enabling the production of new inferences on sea-level change and extremes at dramatically improved spatial resolution around Australia.

Funding Amount $435,500

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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