
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Grant ID: DE220101057 [ 2022-01-01 - 2024-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: XUAN BACH LE DINH (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award)

Brief description Practical Automated Software Bug Fixing via Syntactic and Semantic Analyses. This proposal aims to advance the practical adoption of automated software bug repair, which has recently been adopted by industry, e.g., Facebook. It will produce novel methods that use mining software repositories, program analysis, and human-guided search to help automated repair to scale and be accurate. Expected outcomes include a publicly available automated bug repair framework. This project will help the software industry deliver to users high quality software with improved reliability and safety, and increase education quality for students learning to code via automated feedback generation.

Funding Amount $424,140

Funding Scheme Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

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