Brief description
In the late 1960s material recovered from a cave in the south-west of Western Australia (subsequently called Devil's Lair) led to a decades long archaeological program by Museum archaeologists that has shaped the knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal life in the region over a period of 40,000 years. The excavations at Devil's Lair resulted in the recovery of many thousands of artefacts, including bone points and bone beads, along with animal and plant remains. The collection continues to be a significant research and cultural resource.Spatial Coverage And Location
text: Margaret River
text: Western Australia
text: Devil's Lair
1970- (excavations) |
Aboriginal artefacts |
Aboriginal culture |
Aboriginal peoples |
Aboriginal peoples (Australians) |
Animals |
Anthropological specimens |
Artefacts |
Bones |
Botanical specimens |
Excavations (Archaeology) |
Tasmanian Devil |
archaeology |
beads |
bone beads |
bone points |
plants |
prehistory |
stone tools |
thylacine |
tools |
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