
Development and pre-clinical evaluation of G-DSF inhibitors for inflammatory joint disease [ 2005 - 2005 ]

Also known as: inhibiting G-CSF in arthritis

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Ian Wicks (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Ian Campbell Prof Donald Metcalf

Brief description G-CSF was originally identified as a cytokine regulating the production of neutrophils and haemopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow and it is currently used clinically for these properties in bone marrow transplant patients around the world. Anti-cytokine therapy with TNF blockade has recently been introduced for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, not all patients respond to TNF inhibition. We have gathered extensive data which shows that G-CSF also promotes inflammation in experimental models of inflammatory joint disease. We propose to develop inhibitors of G-CSF as a novel form of anti-cytokine therapy for inflammatory joint disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Funding Amount $AUD 88,329.36

Funding Scheme NHMRC Development Grants

Notes Development Grant

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