Analysis of extreme rainfall intensities in South Australia
uri :
Kamruzzaman, M, Beecham, S & Metcalfe, A 2012, 'Analysis of extreme rainfall intensities in South Australia', 9th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas: Urban Challenges in Rainfall Analysis, UrbanRain 2012, pp. 6-10.
Analysis of spatial rainfall patterns in South Australia (SA) between 2000 and 2010
uri :
Kamruzzaman, M, Beecham, S & Metcalfe, A 2012, 'Analysis of spatial rainfall patterns in South Australia (SA) between 2000 and 2010', Climate adaptation in action conference 2012 : Sharing knowledge to adapt, National Climate Change Adapatation Research Facility (NCCARF), unpublished, pp. 1-8.
Assessment of Short Term Rainfall and Stream Flows in South Australia
doi :
Kamruzzaman, M, Shahriar, MS & Beecham, S 2014, 'Assessment of short term rainfall and stream flows in South Australia', Water (Switzerland), vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 3528-3544.
Assessment of statistical characteristics of point rainfall in the Onkaparinga catchment in South Australia
doi :
Rashid, M, Beecham, S & Chowdhury, R 2013, 'Assessment of statistical characteristics of point rainfall in the Onkaparinga catchment in South Australia', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, vol. 10, pp. 5975-6017.
Assessment of trends in point rainfall using Continuous Wavelet Transforms
doi :
Rashid, MM, Beecham, S & Chowdhury, RK 2015, 'Assessment of trends in point rainfall using Continuous Wavelet Transforms', Advances in Water Resources, vol. 82, pp. 1-15.
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Characterization of rainfall spells for urban water management
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Climatic influences on rainfall and runoff variability in the southeast region of the Murray‐Darling Basin
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Effects of changing rainfall patterns on WSUD in Australia
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Influence of SOI, DMI and Niño3.4 on South Australian rainfall
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Non‐stationarity in rainfall and temperature in the Murray Darling Basin
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Statistical downscaling of multi‐site daily rainfall in a South Australian catchment using a Generalized Linear Model
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Statistical downscaling of rainfall: a non-stationary and multi-resolution approach
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The interplay between rainfall and vegetation
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The role of water markets in climate change adaptation: Final report prepared for the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
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Understanding South Australian rainfall trends and step changes
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Water quality and quantity investigation of green roofs in a dry climate
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Wavelet based assessment of the relationship between hydrological time series in South East Australia
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Wavelet-Based Rainfall–Stream Flow Models for the Southeast Murray Darling Basin
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