
Derivation and timing analysis of concurrent real-time software [ 2002-01-01 - 2004-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Karl Lermer (Chief Investigator) ,  Emeritus Professor Ian Hayes (Chief Investigator)

Brief description Derivation and timing analysis of concurrent real-time software. Safety-critical computer systems are commonly controlled by concurrent real-time software. Assurance of such systems requires rigorous methods for deriving the software and verifying its logical and timing correctness. This project will directly address this problem via a new paradigm for real-time programming that is based on a machine-independent concurrent real-time programming language, that explicitly represents timing deadlines within programs. This allows a partitioning of the development process into a machine-independent phase that derives a program to meet a high-level specification, and a machine-dependent phase that checks that the timing deadlines within the generated machine code are guaranteed to be met.

Funding Amount $165,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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