
Depression and risk of coronary heart disease: A prospective study of mediating haemostatic risk factors [ 2001 - 2003 ]

Also known as: Depression and coronary heart disease: Mediating haemostatic risk factors

Research Grant

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Researchers: E/Pr Christopher Tennant (Principal investigator) ,  E/Pr Geoffrey Berry Prof Christopher Ward Prof Geoffrey Tofler

Brief description Growing evidence suggests that depression, anger and anxiety play a role in causing coronary heart disease (CHD) and complicating the outcome in existing CHD. This may occur by effects of these emotions on promoting blood clotting and the stickiness of platelets - the blood cells responsible for blood clotting. This pilot study will follow a group of people with depression but without CHD and a control group over 8 months to compare how the blood clotting profile changes as depression resolves. The potential benefits of this research are a better understanding of the links between the common illnesses of depression and CHD that might improve the prevention and treatment of heart disease.

Funding Amount $AUD 327,625.08

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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