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Following significant machinery of government changes after the re-election of the Kennett Government in April 1996 the Department of State Development II was established by amendment of Schedule 1 of the Public Sector Management Act 1992. Under Administrative Arrangements Order No.150 the Department assumed most functions of the Department of Business and Employment (VA 3096) as well as tourism, sport and recreation, racing, Film Victoria and the State Film Centre from the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism.The primary functions of the Department of State Development II were tourism, sport and recreation, rural and regional development, small business, information technology and multimedia and employment.
The Department was divided into the following units:
Business Victoria
Tourism Victoria
Multimedia Victoria
Small Business and Regulation Reform
Employment Victoria
Sport, Recreation and Racing Victoria and
State Development Policy.
Following the election of the Bracks Government in 1999, the Department of State Development was abolished under amendment to the Public Sector Management and Employment Act 1998. The amendment was published in the Victoria Government Gazette No. S 159 on 29 October 1999. Most functions of the Department of State Development were transferred to the Department of State and Regional Development (VA 4189).
Data time period:
[1996 TO 1999]
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