Full description
Following machinery of government changes after the re-election of the Bracks Government in November 2006, the Department of Education was established under the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victorian Government Gazette S 317). Under Administrative Orders No 192, it was assigned responsibility for many of the Acts from the former Department of Education and Training (VA 4829), particularly those relating to school education and regulation.The Department reported to the Minister for Education and the Minister for Skills, Education Services and Employment. Its primary functions related to the provision of primary and secondary education through Government schools; the planning and management of Government education programs; the regulation of non-Government schools and registration of new schools; and the regulation of standards relating to teachers.
The Department was divided into four offices: the Office of School Education, the Office of Learning and Teaching, the Office of Resources Management and Strategy and the Office of Strategy and Review.
The Department of Education had a number of statutory bodies associated with it. These included the Victorian curriculum and Assessment Authority, the Victorian Institute of Teaching, the Registered Schools Board, the Victorian Qualifications Authority and the Merit Protection Boards.
On 14 August 2007 the department was abolished and replaced with a newly created Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD; VA 4840) under the Public Administration Act 2004 (Victorian Government Gazette S 189). This followed a cabinet reschuffle after the resignation of then Premier Bracks and the appointment of John Brumby as Premier (Victorian Government Gazette S 181 and 184). The new department integrated a number of functions from the Office of Children, Department of Human Services (VA 3970). The changes were announced on 2 August 2007 by Premier Brumby.
Responsibility for Acts was transferred from VA 4830 Department of Education [II] to VA 4840 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development under Administrative Arrangements Order No 196 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 189, 14 August 2007). Further transfers of responsibility occurred under Administrative Arrangments Order No 197 (Victorian Government Gazette, S 201, 28 August 2007).
Data time period:
[2006 TO 2007]
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