Full description
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was established in 1985 superseding the Department of Agriculture (VA 618).This registration treats the following four agencies as a single, continuing agency.
Each administrative change was a name change only, all acts were passed to the new entity.
The Department of Agriculture was established in January 1991 under Administrative Arrangements Order (No.84) 1991 as the successor to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
The Department of Food and Agriculture was established in January 1992 under Administrative Arrangements Order (No.99) 1992 as the successor to the Department of Agriculture.
The Department of Agriculture was established in October 1992 under Administrative Arrangements Order (No.114) 1992 as the successor to the Department of Food and Agriculture.
Under Administrative Arrangements Order No.143, all functions of the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Energy and Minerals (VA 3035) were assumed by the Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals (VA 3744) on 1 February 1995.
The functions of the Office of Rural Affairs was transferred from the previous Ministry of Ethnic, Municipal and Community Affairs (VA 3015)
The Department of Agriculture had the objective of implementing Government policy for maximising long term economic development for Victoria through rural industries in ways that were consistent with sustainable and efficient use of resources and equitably meeting the priority needs of Victorians.
Office of the Chief Scientist
The Division of the Chief Scientist was established to formulate and implement science and technology policy.
Office of Rural Affairs
The Office was responsible for facilitating the development, co-ordination and promotion of initiatives that equitably met the priority needs of Victorians in rural areas, particularly those whose needs are greatest. (Rural Affairs concentrated on rural community issues rather than agricultural matters relating to physical productivity of the land).
Animal Standards Branch
Counter Disaster and Exotic Diseases
Responsible for the Department's response to fire, flood, animal welfare and other disaster situations including preparedness for control and eradication of exotic animal diseases.
Meat Industry Standards
The section had a co-ordinating responsibility within the Department for matters relating to meat standards and also provided services to the Victorian Abattoir and Meat Inspection Authority about the licensing of meat and other establishments.
Chemical Residues
Responsible for policy and advice, program planning and specific initiatives relating to cleaner agriculture, food quality and ensuring freedom from chemical residues.
Bureau of Animal Welfare
Provision of services and advice relating to all aspects of animal welfare including administration of animal welfare legislation, review and development of Codes of Practice for the Management of farm, experimental, companion and wild animals and animals used in sport and miscellaneous purposes.
Chemical Standards Branch
Responsible for the registration of agricultural chemicals, animal preparations and fertilisers, controls on margarine and for co-ordinating these matters within the Department.
Quarantine & Inspection Services
Quarantine Services
Controlled the entry of animals, plants and animal and plant products into Australia to prevent the introduction of exotic diseases and pests through the provision of quarantine services at Victoria's airports, ports and the international mail exchange.
Export Inspection Services
Inspected animals, plants, grains, fruit and vegetables for pests and disease and provided export health certification in accordance with the requirements of importing countries. Provided detailed technical advice to facilitate trade in animals, plants and animal and plant products. Ensured high standards of animal welfare were maintained during export of live animals.
Plant Inspection and Protection
Inspected plants and plant products to prevent the spread of plant pests and diseases within Victoria. Inspected fruit, vegetables and seeds to ensure maintenance of quality standards. Co-ordination of monitoring and control of specific plant pests and diseases such as fruit fly and potato cyst nematode.
Rural Policy and Marketing
The Division was responsible for industry policy, marketing and strategic development, Agribusiness and trade development and economic information services.
Location of Records
Few records have been transferred to the Public Record Office. For earlier records see also List of Holdings 2nd edition 1985, section 3.2.0.
Data time period:
[1985 TO 1995]
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