Brief description

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is part of the Australian Government with diverse roles and functions.  The department:

  • works to enhance Australia's agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries
  • creates new and maintains existing agricultural export opportunities, to provide gains for Australian agriculture
  • manages biosecurity risks to Australia to protect our multi-billion dollar agricultural industries and our way of life.

To deliver the functions as set out in the Administrative Arrangements Orders, the department:

  • provides advice to the Australian Government
  • delivers programs
  • administers legislation including as a significant regulator in the Australian economy.

As a regulator the department enforces laws relating to:

  • pest and disease risks of goods, people and vessels arriving in Australia
  • agricultural goods exported from Australia
  • imported food safety
  • imported wood and paper products
  • agricultural levies.

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry provides grants, invests in new initiatives and supports Australians to help boost productivity and exports. They use tenders to buy goods and services from other organisations.

Visit the department's website on to learn more

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