
Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals

Public Record Office Victoria
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Full description

The Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals was established on 1 February 1995 by amendment to Schedule One of the Public Sector Management Act 1992. The amendment removed the Department of Energy and Minerals (VA 3035) from Schedule One and replaced it with the Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals. The change was published in the Government Gazette Special No. 11 (S11) on 1 February 1995. The new Department was assigned all Acts from the Department of Energy and Minerals (VA 3035) and the Department of Agriculture (VA 2649), under Administrative Arrangements Order No. 143 (Victorian Government Gazette No. S 11, 1 February 1995).

The Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals assumed responsibility for all functions from the former Department of Energy and Minerals (VA 3035) and the Department of Agriculture (VA 2649). The Department reported to the Minister for Agriculture and the Minister for Energy and Minerals.

Structure and functions of Department

Agriculture Victoria
Agriculture Victoria was responsible for all agriculture-related functions in Victoria, including provision of guidelines and standards relating to agriculture; veterinary services; animal welfare; quarantine and animal and plant inspection; development of sustainable agriculture; and development of policies relating to agriculture and rural affairs in Victoria. Agriculture Victoria was divided into five Regions to allow co-ordination of integrated agricultural services and to facilitate research, enquiries and regulatory activities within that Region.

Energy and Minerals Victoria
Energy and Minerals Victoria was responsible for the development of Victoria's energy and minerals markets through exploration, administration and regulation. The Energy Policy Division was responsible for the development of policies which assisted the restructuring and privatisation of public sector utilities (such as the Gas and Fuel Corporation; VA 1040, and the State Electricity Commission; VA 1002) which commenced in 1993. The Resources Development Division was responsible for the regulation and development of Victoria's mineral, petroleum and other earth resources. It was responsible for the administration of the Mineral Resources Development Act 1990.

Following significant machinery of government changes after the re-election of the Kennett Government in April 1996, the Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals was abolished under amendment of Schedule One of the Public Sector Management Act 1992. This amendment was published in the Victorian Government Gazette No. S 33, 3 April 1996. Most functions were transferred to the new Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (VA 3972) by Administrative Arrangements Order No.150 (Victorian Government Gazette No. S 33, 3 April 1996). Acts relating to the privatisation of the energy industry were assigned to the Treasurer (VRG 23); other Acts relating to energy were assigned to the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology (VRG 124) and were administered through the Department of State Development (VA 3973). These Acts were transferred by Administrative Arrangements Order No. 150 (Victorian Government Gazette No. S 33).

Data time period: [1995 TO 1996]

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