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This repository contains the following data 1. Potential measurements as a function of height above the dust surface for the plasma and combined UV + plasma case (plasmaSheathData.txt and combinedSheathData.txt). These data were collected via emissive probe, during exposure of the dust particles to combined or plasma cases. 2. Mean dust mobilisation counts as function of time for each charging case (PlasmaLoftingData.txt, UVLoftingData.txt and CombinedLoftingData.txt). These data were collected during exposure of dust samples to the combined, UV or plasma cases via video camera with a macro lens. 3. Lofted particle counts per bias/charge bin for each charging case (chargeMeasurementData.txt). These data were collected post exposure of dust samples to the combined, UV or plasma cases. Lofted particles were detected via video camera and assigned to a range of charge values depending on the applied bias voltage. The raw video files collected during this work will not be stored online due to their prohibitive size (>200 GB). These videos can be transferred upon request by contacting the authors.Notes
15.3 KB.Created: 2024-02-01
Nuclear and Plasma Physics |
Nuclear and Plasma Physics Not Elsewhere Classified |
Physical Sciences |
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