Brief description
What this collection is:A curated, binary-classified image dataset of grayscale (1 band) 400 x 400-pixel size, or image chips, in a JPEG format extracted from processed Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite scenes acquired over various regions of the world, and featuring clear open ocean chips, look-alikes (wind or biogenic features) and oil slick chips.
This binary dataset contains chips labelled as:
- "0" for chips not containing any oil features (look-alikes or clean seas)
- "1" for those containing oil features.
This binary dataset is imbalanced, and biased towards "0" labelled chips (i.e., no oil features), which correspond to 66% of the dataset.
Chips containing oil features, labelled "1", correspond to 34% of the dataset.
This dataset can be used for training, validation and/or testing of machine learning, including deep learning, algorithms for the detection of oil features in SAR imagery. Directly applicable for algorithm development for the European Space Agency Sentinel-1 SAR mission ( ), it may be suitable for the development of detection algorithms for other SAR satellite sensors.
Overview of this dataset:
Total number of chips (both classes) is N=5,630
Class \t 0\t 1
Further information and description is found in the ReadMe file provided (ReadMe_Sentinel1_SAR_OilNoOil_20221215.txt)
Available: 2022-12-15
Data time period: 2015-05-01 to 2022-08-31
AI |
DL |
Environmental Sciences |
Environmental Management |
Environmental Management |
Information and Computing Sciences |
ML |
Sentinel-1 |
Software Engineering |
Software Engineering Not Elsewhere Classified |
artificial intelligence |
deep learning |
great barrier reef |
machine learning |
oil discharge |
oil slick |
oil spill |
singapore |
synthetic aperture radar |
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