Brief description
The Mk3.5 dataset is a large set of quality-controlled model output data from simulations of the CSIRO Mk3.5 coupled climate model. The CSIRO Mk3.5 model investigates the dynamical and physical processes controlling the climate system, for multi-seasonal predictions, and for investigations of natural climatic variability and climatic change. The model has been developed as a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere system, without the need for any adjustments of the interactive fluxes and component fields (eg, surface temperature) that couple the atmosphere to the oceans. The model has been run for a 500 year control period and for several of the IPCC scenarios (20C3M, COMMIT, 1%to2X, A2, A1B and B1), for greenhouse gas concentration, sulphate aerosols and ozone concentrations out to 2100. This model version performs significantly better than the earlier CSIRO Mk3.0 model version.Data time period: 31 12 1870 to 31 12 2200
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