Brief description
The data comprises soil, plant, climatic and management data arising from a 30-year (1990-2019) on-farm field experiment comparing a range of tillage and stubble management treatments in a continuous annual winter-cropping sequence. The crops include wheat, canola, narrow-leafed lupin and fieldpea as a winter cover crop. The tillage and stubble treatments included a factorial combination of stubble burning in autumn, or stubble retention with cultivation (once pre-sowing with tyned implement), and / or no-till. In addition, a stubble incorporate treatment was included involving disc ploughing to incorporate the residue on the first rain after harvest each year, and further cultivation for weed control where necessary. These 5 treatments spanned the entire 30 years. This stubble incorporated treatment was split for + or - supplementary nutrients applied to the stubble prior to cultivation as a strategy to increase carbon sequestration from the residue between 2007 and 2014. Regular measurements included plant population, biomass, yield and yield components, grain quality, soil mineral N and soil water pre-sowing and at harvest. Several publications have been published from the experiment on crop productivity, soil biology, soil carbon and constraints to the productivity of no-till systems.Lineage: Measured field data and associated modelling from a CSIRO led long term experiment (1990-2019)
Available: 2024-08-14
Data time period: 1989-04-01 to 2020-03-31
Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences |
Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling |
Agriculture, Land and Farm Management |
Agronomy |
Crop and Pasture Production |
agronomy |
canola |
conservation agriculture |
cultivation |
long-term |
lupin |
nitrogen |
no-till |
soil biology |
soil carbon |
stubble |
sustainability |
tillage |
wheat |
yield |
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Other Information
Grains Research & Development Corporation (GRDC) : CSP00186, DAN00152
- DOI : 10.25919/2JQE-MZ45
- Handle : 102.100.100/602965
- URL :