Brief description
This dataset contains polygon extents of all known bathymetry surveys and bathymetry compilations in Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. Each polygon includes metadata identifying attributes, contact details, information on the public availability of data, and (in the case of published data) gridded resolution. The following data sources have been used as inputs: • AusSeabed 'Bathymetry Acquisitions Coverage (Dynamic)' ( • AusSeabed 'Bathymetry Compilations Coverage (Dynamic)' ( • computed footprints (suffixed by _L0_Coverage) of bathymetry data published through AusSeabed Warehouse Geoserver ( • computed footprints (suffixed by _BBOX) of bathymetry data published through CSIRO Geoserver ( • manually computed footprints of bathymetry data published through other online repositories: WA Bathymetry Portal (, the Australian Ocean Data Network ( and the NSW SEED Portal ( This dataset was generated to enable reporting for Seamap Australia's 'State of Knowledge' functionality (, as existing coverage information does not contain metadata on gridding resolution. The dataset is live and will be continually updated as new surveys are conducted and new coverage information becomes available. Gridding resolution will be appended to existing survey extents when historical surveys are published. This dataset is updated regularly (date of last update: 18/09/2024) and will be maintained in perpetuity until such time that the information required for Seamap Australia's 'State of Knowledge' functionality is delivered through an alternative mechanism. Note that a degree of spatial simplification has been conducted to reduce filesize and polygon complexity. All efforts have been made to maintain true survey extent (area-preserving simplification has been used), but polygons may not be representative of the true survey extents, particularly in the case of reported extents from unpublished surveys which cannot be verified.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededData time period: 1989-01-01
text: uplimit=7000; downlimit=0
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uri :
- global : bfaac2bc-0c11-4991-b0fa-2a1dc7fd6e61