Brief description
Surveys of reef sites in fished versus tabu (community closures) areas in both Madang and Manus Provinces, Papua New Guinea. Benthic cover of corals and other organisms were quantified along with the abundance diversity and size of reef associated fishes.
Full description
These surveys were conducted in 2009 by Nick Graham and Fraser Januchowski-Hartley of James Cook University. At each site replicate 50m transects were surveyed at both 8m and 2m depth. Coral and other benthic cover were surveyed using point intercept methodology, while fish were surveyed using 50*5m belt transect UVC. The location tabu areas had been closed for varying lengths of time and were either fished for feasts annually or opened for longer periods of time. The data are being used to evaluate these management systems and to link to socio-economic data collected by Joshua Cinner at these and other sites.
Created: 2012-06-26
Data time period: 04 2009 to 05 2009
text: Madang and Manus Provinces, Papua New Guinea.
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