Macquarie University

Macquarie University is renowned for its interdisciplinary research and teaching, highly skilled graduates and first-class facilities.

In fact, CEOs around the world rank us in the top five Australian universities for their graduate recruitment.

A five-star university

Macquarie was awarded five stars in the international QS Stars rating system for its performance in:

  • graduate employability
  • teaching
  • research
  • facilities
  • innovation
  • internationalisation
  • access
  • specialist subjects

We are one of only 5 Australian universities to receive 5 stars in all categories.

The rating, attained only by truly world-class institutions, reinforces our academic, research and international standing.

Research excellence

Macquarie achieved the maximum 5 rating -- outstanding performance well above world standard -- in three science disciplines in the recent Australian Government Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation, and 85 per cent of the University's research activity was rated as performing at world standard or higher.

First-class facilities

Recent investments of over $1billion in infrastructure have allowed us to offer students and researchers the best technology and facilities, such as:

  • Australia's most technologically advanced private hospital on a university campus
  • Australian Hearing Hub
  • global headquarters of Cochlear Ltd
  • a state-of-the-art library featuring a robotic book storage and retrieval system
  • a swimming and sports complex
  • an on-campus railway station

Practical experience that improves graduate outcomes

A key part of Macquarie's unique learning environment is PACE, an initiative that provides opportunities for students to apply what they are learning within their degree in real-life organisations and environments. Such experiences help Macquarie students develop communication, leadership, professional, and interpersonal skills, which greatly improves their career prospects.

Macquarie University In Profile

Download our 2016 In Profile brochure. (PDF, 980 kB)

Research and Key Research Areas

Macquarie University's researchers address many of the really the big, important questions facing the world and do so with enthusiasm and excellence that is recognised nationally and internationally. The high quality of our research was clearly recognised in the ERA 2015 assessment. 

The University is home to some of the world's most pre-eminent researchers. These teams and individuals work across disciplinary boundaries to create real change in our society in a variety of areas of research strength which are linked to the University's Research Framework

Macquarie University operates at the forefront of research practice in several distinct areas. These research strengths are the foundation of Macquarie University's international reputation.

Key areas of research strength at Macquarie are:

Ancient Cultures

Animal Behaviour

Astronomy and Astrophysics

Biomolecular Frontiers

Biofuels or Alternative Fuels or Fuel Efficiency

Capital Markets

Category Theory

Climate Risk

Cognitive Science

Ecology and Evolution Team

Early Childhood

Earth and Planetary Evolution

Emotional Health

Ecosystem Modelling

Financial Risk

International Governance and Performance

Language Sciences

Lasers and Photonics

Legal Governance

Neuroscience, Vascular Sciences and Surgery

Quantum Information Science and Security Team

Social, Cultural and Political Change

Social Inclusion

Special Education

Wireless Communications

Data Profile
Macquarie University has 1429 data records in Research Data Australia, which cover 2295 subjects areas including BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY and Bioinformatics and involve 1 group(s). All of the information provided by Macquarie University can be accessed from the box on the right hand side of this page.
Subjects Covered