
Consumer Directed Care in Residential Aged Care: Transforming Practice through the Resident at the Centre of Care (RCC) Program [ 2017 - 2020 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Marita Mccabe (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Gery Karantzas Dr Ljoudmila Busija Prof David Mellor Prof Elizabeth Beattie
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Brief description The impending introduction of Consumer Directed Care (CDC) into Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) will require organisations to respond rapidly in both ‘mindset’ and service delivery to radically change the nature of their current care practices. This project will allow our industry partners to implement and evaluate a CDC model of care that, if successful, will lead to a sustainable site specific implementation plan of CDC for RACFs across Australia with better outcomes for residents.

Funding Amount $AUD 847,470.55

Funding Scheme Partnerships

Notes Partnership Project for Better Health

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