Full description
CommencementAdministrative Arrangements Order (No.114) 1992 abolished the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (VA 1026). Most acts previously administered by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs became the responsibility of the Office of Fair Trading, established as an administrative unit within the Department of Justice (VA 3085). The Office of Fair Trading is part of the Fair Trading and Business Affairs Division of the Department.
Structure and Functions
The Office of Fair Trading administered a range of programs aimed at the achievement of fair market practices. It provided advice to the Government on consumer affairs issues, objectives, policies, priorities and implementation strategies. It acted as a consultant to other government agencies on matters relating to consumers and traders. The Office's services included the provision of advice, information, referral and dispute resolution in relation to consumer and residential tenancy matters.
A Director of the Office of Fair Trading oversaw the operation of the Office through three divisions, each headed by an assistant director. Each division was further divided into branches, each headed by a manager.
Client Services Division was responsible for the Office's delivery of information, advisory, conciliation and adjudication programs. Through its branches the Division provided public inquiry and referral services, investigation and conciliation regarding complaints in consumer and tenancy matters, administrative support through the Adjudication Support branch to the Residential Tenancies, Small Claims and Credit Tribunals, maintained three regional offices, and provided general finance, administration and personnel services to the Office.
The Development Division managed the Office's research and marketing strategies, public information and funding programs, and provided policy analysis and program review. The Division also provided support to the Prices Commissioner.
The Legislation and Regulation Division was responsible for advising on and giving effect to the Office's legislative program and providing legal and legal policy advice. The Division developed product safety and information standards and prevented the distribution of dangerous goods. It undertook prosecutions of persons in breach of legislation assigned to the Minister for Fair Trading, contributed to self-regulation proposals and administered the Office's licensing functions.
Location of Records
In addition to the records listed below see List of Holdings 1985 section 3.7.0.
Name Change
As from 18 July 2002, Consumer and Business Affairs Victoria changed names to Consumer Affairs Victoria.
Data time period:
[1992 TO 3000]
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