
Constraining conditions and timing of orogeny and reworking in the west Musgrave Province [ 2010-10-11 - 2013-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Alan Collins (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr David Kelsey (Chief Investigator) ,  Fred Jourdan (Chief Investigator) ,  martin hand (Chief Investigator) ,  Christopher L. Kirkland (Partner Investigator)
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Brief description Constraining conditions and timing of orogeny and reworking in the west Musgrave Province. The remote Musgrave Province is one of Australia's prime areas of mineral exploration interest, with about 30 companies holding more than 120 leases over the region. A major factor determining the economic prospectivity of a terrane is the availability of high quality geoscientific data. This project will produce pre-competitive structural, petrological, isotopic, geochemical and geophysical datasets for the west Musgrave Province that will rival or surpass that available for other regions of Australian crust. This project directly aligns with the National Research Priority goal, developing deep Earth resources, and will reduce the risk to mineral explorers and facilitate economic development within the Ngaanyatjarra Native Title Lands of Western Australia.

Funding Amount $192,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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