
Toward a comprehensive picture of the epidemiology of alcohol and illicit drug use disorders: Novel analyses of the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Surveys [ 2015 - 2018 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Louisa Degenhardt (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Timothy Slade

Brief description Alcohol and illicit drug use are among the biggest risk factors for disease burden, but there is much that is not known about the natural history of substance use. This study involves analysis of data from the WHO World Mental Health Survey (WMHS) initiative, which contains data on >160,000 participants from more than 31 countries. This study will examine the patterns and predictors of substance use problems, using novel statistical techniques predict who is at greatest risk.

Funding Amount $AUD 734,155.04

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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